Surprise! We're in Disneyland!!!
We love Disneyland!!!

The kids love the character breakfast. It is so much fun to watch their faces as the characters come to see them. However, I think the best part of the breakfast was watching Finnegan dance doing follow the leader. He was the life of the party!
Splash Mountain...
This was the first roller coaster of the day!
I have looked at this picture a hundred times and each time I do, I just laugh. It's the best!


Isabella and Finnegan loved Thunder Mountain but Francesca wasn't too sure about it on the first go around.

We love the Jungle Cruise.

We love Mimi.


Captain Hook loved Baby Bo.
Bo has the cutest face in the world. He is such a sweetheart.

My girls loved Sky to the moon and back the entire trip.
They could not get enough of Sweet Sky.

Everyone was so excited to drive the bumper cars but we had a little difficulty. Here's a picture of me trying to get Francesca's car moving unsuccessfully and here's a picture of the way things ended up. We loved the ending.
We all went again and again on the Toon Town Rollercoaster!
It is the perfect ride for everyone!

front row: Isabella and Eva, second row: Scott and Marli, third row: Francesca and Cecily (they were very brave together), fourth row: Tayler and Skye
Francesca and Cecily LOVE Dumbo!

The roller coaster King and Queen! Yahoo!!!

Princess Time...

Happy 3rd Birthday Skye!
We love you.

Mimi and Grandpa we cannot tell you thank you enough for this amazing trip. We loved every minute of it. We keep smiling as we talk about all of the fun things we got to do. The only thing missing was Grandpa.