Spending the 4th of July at the Triangle F has been a tradition since I was a little kid. We would come up here, go to the rodeo, watch the fireworks, run the river, ride horses, play in the creek, and just be together. This is truly my Dad's favorite place on earth. So, to have most of us here, is like heaven on earth for him.

Shortly after we arrived, Francesca and Cecily had already found their way to the creek.
Campfire and Smores

I love my sisters in law...Mindi, Jen, and Camie.

We love you Pap and Noni!
On Sunday morning, Noni and Pap had a devotional for all of the kids. They talked about holding on to the Iron Rod. All of the kids were blindfolded and had to hang on to the rope. As long as they held on and walked carefully, they were able to make it across the bridge and back to where they were suppose to be. We only had one cousin fall in the creek...Emma.
Later on, Mom and Dad told us that they were getting ready to turn in their "mission papers" and serve a mission. There were many tears shed.
Seth's new gun.

Finnegan and Jackson are the best of friends.
They often remind me of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.

Happy Birthday!!!
Tyler, Isabella, Lauren
Clint, and Justin.

Francesca was very happy that she was able to be on Uncle Clint's team for the water fight.

Cecily loves riding four wheelers.

Pap and Finnegan