On April 21, 2009, My mom called me so excited. She told me that President Obama signed the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act. I had no idea what she was talking about. She explained it to me and couldn't be happier.
"During a time of almost unprecedented challenges it is critical that we all work together, the government alone cannot fix everything. Working together in a sustained, collaborative effort, we can harness our greatest resource, our people, and change the course of history.
This website is a new portal for you and all Americans to find your own ways to serve in your own communities. Just choose your keyword - "education," "environment," or whatever interests you - and type in your zip code to see what opportunities our partner organizations have in your area. Americans are putting their own country back on the right track, be a part of it."
SERVE.GOV - Be a Part of the Solution
When I think of "community service" my Mom is the first person that comes to my mind. She has always been a great example of someone that is continually trying to better the world, help the underdog, create opportunities for others, etc. Log onto SERVE.GOV and find a large variety of ways that you can help serve your communities and our country!! To read highlights of The Serve America Act visit -
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