Sunday, March 1, 2009

I have to share an experience with you today, so I will not forget it. 

The night before Finnegan's birthday, as he was getting ready for bed, he said, "Mom I really want scriptures for my birthday".  Well, it just so happened that I had bought each one of the triplets a Book of Mormon to give to them on their birthday.  So, the next morning,  Finnegan got his scriptures, and as he opened them he said, "Wishes do come true".

Okay... so this morning we were sitting in church.  Finnegan had brought along his new, crisp, blue, Book of Mormon and was looking through the pages.  He then began to try and read a few words.  I watched him... he didn't get frustrated.  He successfully sounded his words out with determination in his eyes.  Then, with excitement and volume he yelled, "Mom, I can read this, it's AWESOME!".  Tears filled my eyes of course.  I was so happy for him, and he was so proud. Finn is one of a kind and is always teaching me life lessons.  I love you Finnegan.

1 comment:

  1. ARE AWESOME! Mimi and I are so happy to hear that you have your own Book of Mormon and that you are reading it. You are going to grow up strong and valiant, just like Nephi. Keep reading the Book of Mormon's a wonderful book...

    We Love You,

    Mimi and Grandpa Duff
