Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The "Kite Runner"

Last week was very windy...
which translates to, "Hey Dad, let's fly a kite".

Kite #1... got stuck in a tree just five minutes into the fun.
(Thank you, Finnegan)

Kite #2... huge, awesome, and successfully made it into the sky.
(Thank you, Tyler)

Day 2 of kite flying...

Lola, Isabella, and Tyler were the main kite flyers this day.
Lola actually made it very difficult because she kept chasing and attacking the kite.

Isabella had lots of fun. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl, thanks for leaving a comment. I had no idea you had a blog started. It is sooo awesome! Your family is so dang cute! I can't believe how big the 3 babies are getting. It will be fun to check out your world through the blog. BTW....love the valentines photo!!!! What a hottie!
